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Requests for rips (WF, PDF, SWF, App...)

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I feel like this could be a new thread, but I don't know the interest from others and if the individual digitizations should be placed in the original foundry threads instead. But here is a list of of what I would like to be ripped (if its possible). Sorry for the huge request here


Here are the specific ones I am interested in below, the mostly digitizations of obscure 70s types

Crowbar: Crowbar is listed in Mecanorma’s Graphic Book 14 (1988) and credited to M. Dolman.

Egide: Egide was designed by Patricia Sicre and issued by Mecanorma as a contest winner in 1972.

Globewas created by Bogdan Żochowski and released in 1979 by Mecanorma

Heigemeir was designed by Franz Heigemeir and released by VGC.

Leporello is a rendition of Poppl-Leporello by Friedrich Poppl, released in 1977 by Berthold.

Priam (all caps, without numerals) was designed by Jean Antoine Alessandrini for Hollenstein in 1976.

Solitaire was designed by John Walter Denzler and released by VGC among fifteen winners of a competition in 1965.

Triom, a 1973 Mecanorma contest winner, was designed by Jacques Loison, without caps.

Ventura is shown in Photo-Lettering’s Alphabet Thesaurus Vol. 2 (2nd printing, 1970), designer unknown.

Vulcain was released by Fonderie Typographique Française (designer unknown) and is attributed 
to the period between the wars (1918–1939).

Zürich was designed in 1954 by Alex Stocker and Hans Gruber, shown in Lettera 1, published by Arthur Niggli (1954). 


I think this is everything on the site (very limited glyph set):

Alessandrini Regular.otf
Billy Beck Regular.otf
Boton Regular.otf
Chariot Regular.otf
Crowbar Regular.otf
Damon Regular.otf
Diamond Regular.otf
Egide Regular.otf
Globe Regular.otf
Heigemeir Regular.otf
Horizontal Regular.otf
Horseman Regular.otf
Hypnos Regular.otf
Leporello Regular.otf
Oliver Regular.otf
Priam Regular.otf
Sanditype Regular.otf
Shark Regular.otf
Solitaire Regular.otf
Spartan Longer Book.otf
Square Gothic Regular.otf
Strada Regular.otf
Stymie Medium.otf
StymieEF Bold.otf
Tangent Regular.otf
Thompson Regular.otf
Triom Regular.otf
Vanderburg Regular.otf
Ventura Regular.otf
Vulcain Regular.otf
WTC 145 Regular.otf
Zurich Regular.otf



This thread is now locked since it became too long to manage and it also became a bit chaotic. If you want to have certain fonts ripped you can still create a new post with your request in the Typography Request section. Then mention that any rips are welcome to fill your request.

If you want anything re-uploaded from this thread, just post a request in the Request section and add a link to the share you want re-uploaded.

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