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Mark Van Bronkhorst MVB (requests merged)


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it's about a wishing game:


MVB Bovine

MVB Celestia antiqua (complete)

MVB Fantabular

MVB Fantabular Sans

MVB Peccadillo

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Guest Acrux

Celestia Antiqua MvB from Adobe --> original -> 10 weights -> ps1

Celestia Antiqua Std MvB from Adobe --> DSGN -> 4 weights -> otf


[url="http://sharebee.com/701386ce"]Download - CelesteAida.zip - Sharebee.com, the one and only online file hosting distribution service.[/url]

MvB Bovine Poster --> ps1 '99 & otf conversion -> 1 weight


And some extracts :


MvB Fantabular & Fantabular Sans --> ttf & otf basic -> extracted -> 12 weights

MvB Sirenne Six --> ttf & otf basic -> extracted -> 3 weights


[url="http://www.zshare.net/download/55207389b841b002/"]zSHARE - FantaBovineSex.zip[/url]

if is'nt good trash it!! :-EE

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Guest elandy2009

I also need an really superdooper urgent upload of Fantabular. I need it now!

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are you angling for another warning ? The guy above only asked for a reupload yesterday !


You better go and learn how to speak to people. "I need it now" is not acceptable and if it is that "urgent" then go buy the damn thing.


If I see one more post of you demanding things and saying that its urgent I WILL ban you.


Can you see how Oblique asked ? Take a lesson from it.



You may have noticed that people arent rushing to reupload things for you and Im not surprised, but when you piggyback on someone elses request you are spoiling it for them, and Im not having it.


Next time its a red card and that is a permanent ban.

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Guest elandy2009

Sorry for this but Simply reupload Fantabular. Simply I request this.

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does anyone happen to have any of these other styles for this font light/regular/semi-bold??

Edited by mckonkie
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Please mckonkie, requests must be posted in the Typography Requests section... Thanks.

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a truly beautiful font. Has anyone been fortunate enough to gather the rest of the family?? thanks

Edited by mckonkie
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Please mrjonolee, read rules. Requests must posted in the Typography Requests section and not in the Typography Shares one. Request moved. Thanks.

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Would anyone happen to have MVB Hotsy Totsy Ultra?:-AG

Thank You Very Much

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