[Member] June 10, 2011 Share June 10, 2011 (edited) These fonts were created as part of a class or workshop at California School of Arts. They are poorly documented and authorship is questionable at times if not impossible. Some of these went on to become commercial releases. Fonts by Andrea Futter [CAL] Newhall.futter Fonts by Austin Putnam [CAL] Bradbury.putnam [CAL] EuroThang.putnam [CAL] GridLock.putnam [CAL] KopyKattKut-Bold.putnam [CAL] KopyKattKut-Reg.putnam [CAL] KopyKattText.putnam [CAL] Ray Gun.putnam [CAL] Sixer.putnam [CAL] SpikerMixed.putnam [CAL] SpikerSans.putnam [CAL] SpikerSerif.putnam [CAL] TegenTonen.putnam [CAL] Trix.putnam Fonts by Barry Deck [CAL] Barry Sans/Deck [CAL] Bombadeer/Deck [CAL] Canicopulus Script/Deck [CAL] Industry Sans/Deck [CAL] Mutant Industrial/Deck [CAL] TemPlate Gothic/Deck Fonts by Bill Dynan [CAL] Protheses.dynan Fonts by Bill Nelson [CAL] Tribulation.nelson Fonts by Brent Skaff [CAL] Homocidal.skaff Fonts by Christian Tekath [CAL] Scope.tekath Fonts by Conor (?) [CAL] Platelet.conor Fonts by Corey Holms [CAL] Consume.holms [CAL] Empire.holms Fonts by Damon [CAL] SoMuchForDetails.damon Fonts by Dave Bravenec [CAL] Dactylos.bravenec Fonts by David Vegezzi [CAL] Phy83.vegezzi Fonts by David Zwornerer [CAL] Zwiga formal.zwornerer Fonts by Deborah Littlejohn [CAL] Siesmic.littlejohn Fonts by Denise Gonzales [CAL] DNA Thin.gonzales Fonts by Ed Fladung [CAL] Pigsnot.fladung Fonts by Edwin Utermohlen [CAL] Garamonde Minuscule.uter [CAL] Portable.utermohlen Fonts by Glen Nakasako [CAL] Suffocation.nakasako Fonts by Goeffery McFeteridge [CAL] DUBMAP.mcfetridge [CAL] Teardrop.mcfetridge [CAL] WEEP-SOB.mcfetridge Fonts by James Stoecker [CAL] Sepulveda.stoecker Fonts by Janet Todd [CAL] Ahmanson.todd [CAL] Chunky Monkey.todd Fonts by Jen Staggs [CAL] CheapLetterPress.staggs Fonts by Jens Gehlhaar [CAL] Lettuce.gehlhaar [CAL] Lucerne.gehlhaar Fonts by Kaz [CAL] Kaudy.kaz [CAL] Kazmemphis.kaz [CAL] Nail.kaz Fonts by Keedy [CAL] HardTimes.keedy [CAL] KeedySans.keedy [CAL] Skelter Bold.keedy [CAL] Troopship.keedy Fonts by Leon Cobb [CAL] BastardVILLE.cobb Fonts by Louise Sandhaus [CAL] Textura Fonts.sandhaus [CAL] Thisway.sandhaus Fonts by Ludger (?) [CAL] Recycledrei.ludger Fonts By Margo Johnsom [CAL] Sidestreet.johnsom Fonts by Michael Worthington [CAL] Dominatrix.worthington [CAL] Eugenius.worthington Fonts by Phil Baines (RIP 1.19.24)-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj24U0GF-Kk | https://www.wallpaper.com/design-interiors/visual-comms/phil-baines-obituary [CAL] Horncastle.baines Fonts by Richard Shanks [CAL] Fracture.shanks [CAL] Kalamazoo.shanks Fonts by Robin Cottle [CAL] StereoType.cottle Fonts by Scott Ulrich [CAL] CheapSignage.ulrich [CAL] Criminal.ulrich [CAL] Curve Gothic Two.ulrich [CAL] DIN Garbageschrift.ulrich [CAL] Distemper.ulrich [CAL] Failsafe.ulrich [CAL] Fucker.ulrich [CAL] Garden.ulrich [CAL] Geek Skinny.ulrich [CAL] Globule.ulrich [CAL] Klown fonts.ulrich [CAL] KopyKatt.ulrich [CAL] Leatherhead.ulrich [CAL] LogoFont.ulrich [CAL] Misfortune.ulrich [CAL] Neo-eon.ulrich [CAL] neo-eon. final.ulrich [CAL] Ntsc.ulrich [CAL] Rattrap.ulrich [CAL] Regenerator.ulrich [CAL] Severe types.ulrich [CAL] TapeGun.ulrich [CAL] Thickhead.ulrich [CAL] Uni.ulrich Fonts by Shelly [CAL] High Voltage.shelly Fonts by Shoshannah Day [CAL] Treads.day Fonts by Smith (?) [CAL] Boutime.smith Fonts by Sue LaPorte [CAL] 1 ioda.laporte [CAL] Faces of Eve.laporte Fonts by Todd Childers [CAL] Ennis Brown.childers Fonts by Weston Bingham [CAL] Abducted.bingham [CAL] Baudrillard.bingham [CAL] Dekalb.bingham [CAL] Early Baudrillard.bingham [CAL] Poliglot.bingham [CAL] Roadkill.bingham Fonts by Unknown Designer [CAL] Bombadeer [CAL] Coppertop [CAL] DeGenerate [CAL] DUN ID [CAL] FLY ID TAG [CAL] Fly ID-Old [CAL] Future type [CAL] Gothic Meltdown [CAL] GridLock [CAL] Guilotine [CAL] Hidarte [CAL] JamesMoore [CAL] KOO KOO Fonts [CAL] Orbit Antique [CAL] Rasputin [CAL] Raygun [CAL] Sally [CAL] ScotchFont [CAL] Seminar [CAL] Skin/David (elvis) [CAL] SpeedRacerX. [CAL] Spiker [CAL] Waterfont/Sally? [CAL] WearyWestern [CAL] Wormwood Preview Selection: (see updated preview images in post#4, below) Edited August 3, 2024 by ..ellips.is RIP Phil Baines Link to comment https://www.design.rocks/topic/13677-calarts-%E2%80%93-california-school-of-arts/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Neocount June 15, 2011 Share June 15, 2011 Thanks for those. The info on who did what is almost as valuable as the fonts themselves :) Here are a few more from the Cal Arts collection ... there shouldn't be any dupes. Sorry I don't know the creators for these, unless it's already contained in the copyright. Addmorph, Alan, AltType, Ammeeeee, Bearded Alphabet, Farlowe, Fatthinfog, Franquadrat, Garamoda, HeyStupid, Joaill, LPDigital, MesozoicGothic, MoveYourHead, RadioFlat, SacredCow, Zanaibaralt PC T1/OT http://www.multiupload.com/2E74W6135H Link to comment https://www.design.rocks/topic/13677-calarts-%E2%80%93-california-school-of-arts/#findComment-38178 Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Member] October 16, 2016 Share October 16, 2016 (edited) This is not a complete list. Most of these fonts didn't have any internal identification so have been split up and around and out. Maybe it's a start. Maybe not. Somewhat based on Modified date (6/10/2011). Abducted.otf Ahmanson.otf Alan.otf BarrySansItalic.ttf BarrySansSerif.ttf Baudrillard.otf BombadeerBold Bold.otf BoutimeItalic.otf Bradbury.otf CanicopulusScript.ttf CanicopulusScriptItalic.ttf Cheapmachine-Regular.otf CheapSignage Standard.ttf CheapSignageStandard.otf ChunkeyMonkey2.otf Consume.otf Consume-FullPrice.otf Consume-Inflation.otf CopperTop.otf Criminal.ttf CriminalItalic.otf CurveGothicTwo.otf CurveGothicTwoAlternate.otf Dactylos.ttf Dekalb Hard.ttf DekalbHard.otf DekalbRounded.otf DINGarbageschrift.ttf DINGarbageschrift-Bold.otf DINGarbageschrift-Thin.otf DINGarbageschrift Bold.ttf DINGarbageschrift Thin.ttf Distemper.otf Distemper.ttf DNA-Thin.otf Dominatrix-Black.otf DUBMAP-Black.otf DUBMAPBOMB-Heavy.otf DUNID-Regular.otf Empire.otf Ennisbrownfon4.otf Eugenius-Bold.otf Eugenius-Heavy.otf EugeniusPlain.otf EuroThang.otf EvilClownUp.otf FailSafe.otf FLYID-Medium.otf FontRenamer.log Fracture-display.otf Fucker.otf FuckerThick.otf FutureType-Regular.otf GaramondeMinuscule.otf Garden.otf GardenLeast.otf Geek Skinny.ttf GeekSkinny.otf GothicMeltdown.otf GridLock.otf Guilotine.otf HardTimes.otf HardTimesBold.otf HardTimesBold.ttf HardTimesRegular.otf HardTimesRegular.ttf HardTimesThick.ttf Hidarite.otf HighVoltage.otf HoMIcIDal-SemiBold.otf Horncastle Plain.otf IndustrySansBold.otf IndustrySansBold.ttf Kalamazoo-Regular.otf Kaudy.otf Kazmemphis.otf KazmemphisBold.otf KeedySansReg.otf KillerKlown-Normal.otf Kookoo-Bloater.otf Kookoo-Bulemic.otf Kookoo-Fatboy.otf KopyKattKut-Bold.otf KopyKattKut-Bold Katt Kut-Bold.otf KopyKattKut-Regular.otf KopyKattKut-Regular Katt Kut-Regular.otf KopyKattText.otf KopyKattText Katt Text.otf Leatherhead-Badboy.otf Leatherhead-Black.otf Leatherhead Badboy.ttf Leatherhead Black.ttf Lettuce.otf LogoFont.otf Margofont.otf Misfortune.otf Misfortune.ttf MutantIndustrialRoman.ttf Nailfont.otf Neo-eon.otf Newhall.otf NtscCondensed-Bold.otf NtscExtended-Bold.otf Phy83.otf PigSnot.otf Platelet.otf Poliglot.otf Prostheses.otf Rasputin.otf RattrapItalic.otf RattrapNarrow.otf RattrapWide.otf RayGun-Bold Gun-Bold.otf Recycledrei.ttf RoadkillFiftyFiveMPH.otf RoadkillNinetyMPH.otf RoadkillThirtyMPH.otf Sallyfont.otf Scope-Book.otf Scope-Cinemascopechain.otf Scope-Overexposed.otf ScotchFont.otf Seminar-Bold.otf Seminar-Light.otf Seminar-Regular.otf Sepulveda-Damn.otf SeverelyAverage.otf SeverelyExtreme.otf SeverelyMild.otf Sidestreet.otf SIXER-1.otf SkelterBold.otf Skinjob.otf SOMUCHFORDETAILS.otf SpeedRacerX.otf SpikerMixed.otf SpikerSanSerif.otf SpikerSerif.otf StereoType-Fat.otf StereoType-Normal.otf Suffocation.otf TapeGun.otf Teardrop.otf Teardrop!.ttf TegenTonen.ttf TexOrna.otf TexSans.otf TexTura.otf ThickheadDark.otf ThickheadLight.otf ThickheadMedium.otf Tiretread.otf Tread-18Wheeler.otf TribulationFH.otf TrixSans.otf Uni.otf Untitled-1.otf Untitled-Regular.otf Water2.otf WearyWestern.otf Wormwood.otf Zwigaformal.otf Quote https://workupload.com/file/ydVjPTpqTAB Edited June 20, 2023 by ..ellips.is new mirror, list format Link to comment https://www.design.rocks/topic/13677-calarts-%E2%80%93-california-school-of-arts/#findComment-121576 Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Member] October 16, 2016 Share October 16, 2016 (edited) On 10/16/2016 at 6:54 AM, fewa58 said: Any chance for a re-up of post #1 and post #2? Thanks! Post#1 (as shared)~ thanks to gonad Quote https://workupload.com/file/TJhZQPbdjjc Preview Section: Edited June 20, 2023 by ..ellips.is new mirror, updated image link Link to comment https://www.design.rocks/topic/13677-calarts-%E2%80%93-california-school-of-arts/#findComment-121579 Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Member] August 9, 2022 Share August 9, 2022 (edited) On 8/1/2022 at 3:27 AM, FFaces said: i would like to have at least these 3 fonts. Thanks for helping out SpikerMixed.otf SpikerSanSerif.otf SpikerSerif.otf Here are the requested Spiker fonts. But beware: the encoding is totally messed up. Presumably a bad conversion from MAC file to PC. https://www.mediafire.com/file/pa4ca2i6b21gigk/Spiker.zip/file Edited June 20, 2023 by ..ellips.is merged request Link to comment https://www.design.rocks/topic/13677-calarts-%E2%80%93-california-school-of-arts/#findComment-186593 Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Member] June 20, 2023 Share June 20, 2023 (edited) 1 hour ago, slurvey said: Does anyone have the font Dominatrix by Michael Worthington? I came across it in a book and would love to use it in a project. Re-up Dominatrix. Thanks to the original sharers! https://www.mediafire.com/file/ed32kxv687ortg7/Dominatrix-Black.zip/file Edited June 20, 2023 by ..ellips.is merged request Link to comment https://www.design.rocks/topic/13677-calarts-%E2%80%93-california-school-of-arts/#findComment-194743 Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Member] June 20, 2023 Share June 20, 2023 On 8/9/2022 at 2:17 PM, Florio said: Here are the requested Spiker fonts. But beware: the encoding is totally messed up. Presumably a bad conversion from MAC file to PC. https://www.mediafire.com/file/pa4ca2i6b21gigk/Spiker.zip/file sorry the link does not work Link to comment https://www.design.rocks/topic/13677-calarts-%E2%80%93-california-school-of-arts/#findComment-194752 Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Member] April 1, 2024 Share April 1, 2024 On 6/21/2023 at 6:48 AM, FFaces said: sorry the link does not work @ FFaces Here's a link to the Spiker font that was shared a while ago. Thanks to the original sharers https://workupload.com/file/YjKFFdJRvaF Link to comment https://www.design.rocks/topic/13677-calarts-%E2%80%93-california-school-of-arts/#findComment-201306 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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