[Member] June 25, 2011 Share June 25, 2011 Rick W Mueller did a lot of shareware designs in the ninties. He did Buckaroo for ITC and Cristate for GarageFonts. Typoasis/designers/mueller/index.htm [MUELLER] Advert [MUELLER] Advert-Italic [MUELLER] Akashi [MUELLER] Angles [MUELLER] Argos [MUELLER] Atlantis [MUELLER] Black Castle MF [MUELLER] Black Chancery [MUELLER] Bodie [MUELLER] Bolide [MUELLER] Brandy Script [MUELLER] Burnt [MUELLER] Carnival Open Shadow [MUELLER] Carnival Rimmed [MUELLER] Casual Marker [MUELLER] Cigno [MUELLER] Cinema [MUELLER] Club Caps MF [MUELLER] Coffee Tin Initials [MUELLER] Credit Cards [MUELLER] Daisy [MUELLER] Dragonfly [MUELLER] Earthquake MF [MUELLER] Edda [MUELLER] Fantastic Initials [MUELLER] Fantastic Modern [MUELLER] Flames [MUELLER] Grange [MUELLER] Greetings [MUELLER] Haystacks Wide [MUELLER] HeeHaw-Casual [MUELLER] Hoffman [MUELLER] Ink-Highlight [MUELLER] Jagged/Ragged [MUELLER] Knockout Initials [MUELLER] Kompakt [MUELLER] Legrand [MUELLER] Long Ears MF [MUELLER] Maize [MUELLER] Mama [MUELLER] Mantel [MUELLER] Meltdown MF [MUELLER] Mercurius [MUELLER] New Day Font* [MUELLER] NoRefunds [MUELLER] Ocean View [MUELLER] Paint Peel [MUELLER] Parchment MF [MUELLER] Plymouth [MUELLER] Pollock [MUELLER] Polo-Brush [MUELLER] Primitive [MUELLER] Quaint [MUELLER] Ragged [MUELLER] Rope MF [MUELLER] Rope MF 1.01 [MUELLER] Santa Moncia MF [MUELLER] Sixties [MUELLER] Speedline [MUELLER] Spirits [MUELLER] Starshine MF [MUELLER] Stereo MF [MUELLER] Stowaway [MUELLER] Tambo-Script [MUELLER] Tarantella [MUELLER] Titania [MUELLER] Tolkien Uncial MF [MUELLER] Trading Post [MUELLER] Tumbleweed [MUELLER] Tuscan MF-Narrow [MUELLER] Uncle Bob MF [MUELLER] Vassar [MUELLER] Verona Script [MUELLER] Waverly [MUELLER] Wet Paint [MUELLER] Windswept Download: Embedupload.com/?d=2JSZIEIIOW Link to comment https://www.design.rocks/topic/13913-mueller-fonts-rick-w-mueller-mf/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Member] June 28, 2011 Share June 28, 2011 (edited) Two groups otf and ttf. http://sharemole.com/1baophuh ttf; Akashi MF.ttf Altenglisch MF.ttf Ambrosia MF.ttf AmbrosiaMF.ttf Andreas Pen MF.ttf Andreas Pen MF Bold.ttf Angles MF.ttf ApolloMF.ttf ApolloMF-Shadow.ttf Argos MF.ttf Atlanta.ttf Bailey MF.ttf Black Castle MF.ttf BlackCastleMF Wide115.ttf BlackCastleMF Wide135.ttf BravoMF.ttf Bullfrog.ttf Burnt MF.ttf BurntMFA.ttf Camelot MF.ttf Camelot MF Bold.ttf Carnival MF.ttf Carnival MF Open.ttf Carnival MF Rimmed.ttf Carnival Open.ttf Carnival Rimmed.ttf CarnivalMF.ttf Casual Contact MF.ttf Casual Marker MF.ttf Casual Regular.ttf CasualContactMF.ttf Christate Border.ttf Christate Solid.ttf Cigno MF.ttf Club MF.ttf Dipper MF.ttf Dipper MF Demi Bold.ttf Directions MF.ttf DirectionsMF.ttf Dragonfly MF.ttf Edda MF.ttf Edison MF.ttf EdisonMF.ttf ElectMF.ttf Fanfare MF Fancy.ttf Farley MF.ttf FarleyMF.ttf Flames MF.ttf Flames Regular.ttf Flamo.ttf Fleeting MF.ttf Franconia MF.ttf FranconiaMF.ttf Frankenstein MF.ttf GFCristateMF-Border.ttf GFCristateMF-Solid.ttf GingerMF.ttf Grange MF.ttf Greetings MF.ttf Greetings Regular.ttf Guttenberg MF.ttf Halloween_Spirits.ttf Hay Stack MF Wide.ttf Hoffman MF.ttf Hoffman Regular.ttf Hoffmann Regular.ttf Jagged.ttf Jaggered.ttf Kompakt MF.ttf Kompakt Regular.ttf Lariat.ttf Lava MF.ttf LavaMF.ttf Legrand MF.ttf Long Ears MF.ttf Malibu.ttf Mama MF.ttf Mama Regular.ttf Meltdown MF.ttf Mindy.ttf New Day MF Script.ttf New Day Script.ttf NewDay Script.ttf Octagon.ttf Omega MF.ttf Omega MF Bold.ttf OmegaMF.ttf OmegaMF-Bold.ttf Pen Mark MF Bold.ttf PenMarkMF-Bold.ttf Pinewood.ttf Pinewood MF.ttf Plymouth MF.ttf Plymouth Regular.ttf PlymouthRock.ttf Pollock MF Initials.ttf Postures MF Initials.ttf Primitive Regular.ttf Protest Sign MF.ttf ProtestSignMF.ttf Quaint MF.ttf Quaint Regular.ttf Ragged MF.ttf Ragged Regular.ttf Reef MF.ttf ReefMF.ttf Santa Moncia MF.ttf SantaMonicaMF.ttf Sixties MF.ttf Sixties Regular.ttf Sophie MF.ttf SophieMF.ttf Speedline MF.ttf Speedline Regular.ttf Spirits MF.ttf Spirits Regular.ttf Starshine MF.ttf SteveMF.ttf Stowaway MF.ttf Stowaway Regular.ttf Swingtime MF.ttf SwingtimeMF.ttf Theatre.ttf Titania MF.ttf Titania Regular.ttf Tolkien Uncial MF.ttf Tomahawk MF.ttf TomahawkMF.ttf Tumbleweed MF.ttf Tumbleweed Regular.ttf Uncle Bob MF Shadow.ttf Vassar MF.ttf Vassar Regular.ttf Wave.ttf Wet Paint MF.ttf WetPaint Regular.ttf WishMF.ttf WizardryMF.ttf WizardryMF-Contour.ttf[/quote][quote]OTF: AdvertMF.otf AdvertMF-Italic.otf AdvertMFItalic.otf AkashiMF.otf AltenglischMF.otf AmbrosiaMF.otf AndreasPenMF.otf AndreasPenMF-Bold.otf AndreasPenMFBold.otf AnglesMF.otf AnglesOctagon.otf ApolloMF.otf ApolloMF-Shadow.otf ArgosMF.otf Atlanta.otf AtlantisMF.otf BaileyMF.otf BlackCastleMF.otf BodieMF.otf BodieMFFlag.otf BodieMFHolly.otf Bolide.otf BrandyMFScript.otf BrandyScript.otf BravoMF.otf Bullfrog.otf BurntMF.otf CamelotMF.otf CamelotMF-Bold.otf CamelotMFBold.otf CarnivalMFRimmed.otf CarnivalOpen.otf CarnivalRimmed.otf CasualContactMF.otf CasualMarkerMF.otf CignoMF.otf Cinema.otf CinemaMF.otf ClubMF.otf CoffeeTinMFInitials.otf CreditCards.otf CristateMFBorder.otf CristateMFSolid.otf DaisyMF.otf DipperMF.otf DipperMF-DemiBold.otf DipperMFDemiBold.otf DirectionsMF.otf DragonflyMF.otf EarthquakeMF.otf EddaMF.otf EdisonMF.otf FanfareMFFancy.otf FantasticMFInitials.otf FantasticMFModern.otf FarleyMF.otf FlamesMF.otf Flamo.otf FleetingMF.otf FranconiaMF.otf FrankensteinMF.otf GFCristateMF-Border.otf GFCristateMF-Solid.otf GingerMF.otf GrangeMF.otf Greetings.otf GreetingsMF.otf GuttenbergMF.otf HayStackMF.otf HayStackMFWide.otf HeeHawMF.otf HoffmanMF.otf InkHighlight.otf InkMFHighlight.otf Knockout-Initials.otf KnockoutMFInitials.otf KompaktMF.otf LavaMF.otf Legrand.otf LegrandMF.otf LongEarsMF.otf MaizeMF.otf Malibu-Normal.otf MamaMF.otf Mantel.otf MantelMF.otf MeltdownMF.otf MercuriusMF.otf Mindy.otf NewDay-Script.otf NewDayMFScript.otf NewDayScriptMF.otf OceanView-Initials.otf OceanViewInitials.otf OceanViewMFInitials.otf OmegaMF.otf OmegaMF-Bold.otf OmegaMFBold.otf PaintPeelInitials.otf PaintPeelMFInitials.otf ParchmentMF.otf PenMarkMF-Bold.otf PenMarkMFBold.otf Pinewood.otf PinewoodMF.otf PlymouthMF.otf PollockMF.otf PollockMFInitials.otf PoloBrushMF.otf PosturesMFInitials.otf Primitive.otf ProtestSignMF.otf QuaintMF.otf Ragged.otf RaggedMF.otf ReefMF.otf RopeMF.otf SantaMonciaMF.otf SixtiesMF.otf SophieMF.otf SpeedlineMF.otf Spirits.otf SpiritsMF.otf StarshineMF.otf StereoMF.otf SteveMF.otf Stowaway.otf StowawayMF.otf SwingtimeMF.otf TamboScript.otf TarantellaMF.otf Titania.otf TitaniaMF.otf TolkienUncialMF.otf TomahawkMF.otf TradingPost.otf TradingPostMFBold.otf Tumbleweed.otf TumbleweedMF.otf TuscanMFNarrow.otf UncleBobMF.otf UncleBobMFShadow.otf VassarMF.otf VeronaScript.otf VeronaScriptMF.otf Waverly.otf WaverlyMF.otf WetPaint.otf WetPaintMF.otf WindsweptMF.otf WishMF.otf WizardryMF.otf WizardryMF-Contour.otf[/codE] Edited June 28, 2011 by †Ryuk† Link to comment https://www.design.rocks/topic/13913-mueller-fonts-rick-w-mueller-mf/#findComment-38904 Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Member] June 10, 2012 Share June 10, 2012 just a note on Rick Mueller's type: before the font was called Buckeroo for ITC, he called it Boulder (the original name was Boxer) and there was an Ornate with it: http://www.mediafire.com/file/1xdu2o2maqca2ko/BoulderMF.zip also his Steve font is a "copy" of Mark Simonson's Felt Tip Roman Link to comment https://www.design.rocks/topic/13913-mueller-fonts-rick-w-mueller-mf/#findComment-57172 Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Member] June 10, 2012 Share June 10, 2012 Mirror for post #1&3 many thanks to Gonad & Phillippedada.. :) (Still missing post #2) http://mir.cr/9QKPZA66 http://ge.tt/api/1/files/38IaGuI/0/blob?download Pass: pilo.me Link to comment https://www.design.rocks/topic/13913-mueller-fonts-rick-w-mueller-mf/#findComment-57179 Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Member] May 13, 2013 Share May 13, 2013 not exactly post #2, but most of all #1 + #2 (all TT) and gifs for many: [url]http://www.mediafire.com/?zz5pauko2z22akl[/url] does not have GF title for Christate Solid & Border fonts (marketed by Garage Fonts) Santa "Moncia" is only available with proper spelling "Monica" (outside here) at Mueller's site on typoasis some "proper" names have been listed -- Bullfrog (Solo) is more "proper" as Mueller calls it: Mantel Advert w/Italic Akashi Altenglisch = Primitive Ambrosia Andreas Pen Angles MF / Octagon Apollo w/Shadow Argos Atlantis Bailey Binner - see Uncle Bob Black Castle Black Chancery - NEVER Mueller Bodie Flag / Bodie Holly Bodie MF - variants (NOT by Mueller?) Bodie MF 3D.ttf Bodie MF College.ttf Bodie MF Shadow.ttf Bodie MF Tilt.ttf Bolide Script Brandy Script Bravo Bullfrog - see Mantel Bunny Ears - see Long Ears Burnt Camelot w/Bold Cardinal - see Wish Carnival MF Open Shadow w/Rimmed Casual Contact Casual Marker Christate Solid w/Border Cigno MF -- also see Nebiolo Foundry Cinema / Theatre Club Caps Coffee Tin Initials Compliment - see New Day Credit Cards Cubist Initials - see Knockout Daisy Dipper w/Demi Bold Directions Dracula - see Wet Paint Dragonfly / Dragonwick Earthquake Edda Edison Elect MF / Eden Fanfare Fantastic Initials Fantastic Modern Farley Flames Flamme - see Maize Fleeting / Filmotype Label Franconia Frankenstein Ginger / Gazebo Grange Greetings / Greetings Monotone Guttenberg / Gutenberg Halloween Spirits Hay Stack Wide HeeHaw Casual Hoffman Ink MF Highlight / Mindy Jagged - see Ragged Jiminy Christmas - see Starshine Knockout Initials / Cubist Initials Kompakt Lariat -- see Rope Lava / New Pittoresk Legrand Lithotint Black - see Spirits Long Ears / Bunny Ears (Titantypo lc only) Maize / Flamme Mama Mantel MF / Bullfrog Meltdown Mercurius Mindy - see Ink Highlight New Day / Compliment New Pittoresk - see Lava no refunds (CHRISTOPHER Mueller) Ocean View MF / Malibu Octagon - see Angles Omega / Transmission Paint Peel Initials Papyrus - see Parchment Parchment / Papyrus Pen Mark Bold Pinewood Plymouth Pollock Polo Brush Postures Primitive = Altenglisch Protest Sign Quaint Ragged / Jagged Reef Rope / Lariat Santa Moncia (Monica) Sixties Sophie / Templar Speedline Spirits / Lithotint Black Starshine / Jiminy Christmas Stereo Stowaway Swingtime Tambo Script / Zebra Tarantella Templar - see Sophie Theatre - see Cinema Titania Tolkien Uncial Tomahawk Trading Post Bold Transmission - see Omega Tumbleweed Tuscan Narrow Uncle Bob / Binner Vassar / Veronica Verona Script Waverly Wet Paint / Dracula Windswept Wish / Cardinal Wizardry w/Contour Zebra - see Tambo Link to comment https://www.design.rocks/topic/13913-mueller-fonts-rick-w-mueller-mf/#findComment-74272 Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Member] May 14, 2013 Share May 14, 2013 (edited) Thanks, philippedada, for all your work arranging those Muellers. A couple of notes "Halloween Spirits" is the same as Spirits. Some misguided soul in the early days of digital fonts renamed a bunch of fonts to which they had added prefixes, apparently to make it easier to organize their collection, and they just keep circulating. :**Prefixes of this type that I've seen are Christmas, Halloween, 3-D, DB (for Dingbat), and HW (for Handwriting). I usually just throw these fonts out unless I don't have the unaltered version. The (con)version of Cristate in this collection is not just missing its (legitimate) GF prefix; it's misspelled too. Searching under Cristate might bring you a better version. For completeness' sake, as noted above, ITC Buckeroo is Rick Mueller's other commercial font. To actually contribute something, I've run across a 1997 handwriting font apparently from Mueller that I haven't seen catalogued anywhere. It's called SteveMF, and it does have his logo inside. Download it here Edited May 15, 2013 by †Ryuk† Link to comment https://www.design.rocks/topic/13913-mueller-fonts-rick-w-mueller-mf/#findComment-74337 Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Member] May 16, 2013 Share May 16, 2013 Steve is Mueller's "copy" of Mark Simonson's Felt Tip Roman Link to comment https://www.design.rocks/topic/13913-mueller-fonts-rick-w-mueller-mf/#findComment-74387 Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Member] May 16, 2013 Share May 16, 2013 Steve is Mueller's "copy" of Mark Simonson's Felt Tip Roman Thanks -- I thought it looked awfully familiar. Link to comment https://www.design.rocks/topic/13913-mueller-fonts-rick-w-mueller-mf/#findComment-74390 Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Member] May 19, 2013 Share May 19, 2013 GF Cristate Solid & Border (assorted) [url="http://nekaka.com/d/Jp7xwC9tJ6"]Download[/url] Link to comment https://www.design.rocks/topic/13913-mueller-fonts-rick-w-mueller-mf/#findComment-74530 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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