[Member] June 27, 2011 Share June 27, 2011 Not all the fonts are free. Some, e.g. Noahs Ark can be obtained via the website/paypal. Fontenvironment.com/ [FENV] 10 Lil' Ghosts [FENV] 20 Faces [FENV] Balkan Braille [FENV] Banner [FENV] Black Box [FENV] Boxfont [FENV] Boxinabox [FENV] Caterpillar [FENV] Cheviva [FENV] confetti [FENV] Crayonkids1 [FENV] Crayonkids2 [FENV] Dominoes [FENV] Fingerprints Inside [FENV] Headlong [FENV] Leonardos Mirror Writing [FENV] Little Big Man [FENV] Majas Flowers [FENV] Miss Ellen [FENV] Mo Money [FENV] Natural Signs [FENV] No Fear [FENV] Noah's Ark [FENV] Planks [FENV] Puzzle Pieces [FENV] Sam's Dingbats1 [FENV] Sam's Dingbats2 [FENV] Sister R [FENV] tattoo1 [FENV] tattoo2 [FENV] willeisner [FENV] winbugs [FENV] winpets1 [FENV] winpets2 fontenvironment.pdf Embedupload.com/?d=6RLIGQF3DU Link to comment https://www.design.rocks/topic/13945-font-environment-samuel-marcius/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Neocount June 30, 2011 Share June 30, 2011 Just one more, Fantastique Cars (pc t1/tt) http://www.multiupload.com/H6XZF9QQVK Link to comment https://www.design.rocks/topic/13945-font-environment-samuel-marcius/#findComment-39068 Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Member] June 30, 2011 Share June 30, 2011 The updated (mostly OT) versions from http://www.fontenvironment.com/index.php?cat=Fonts AIO :http://www.embedupload.com/?d=9MNCMGMRUO FE Grungee 23.ttf FE-10Lil'Ghosts.otf FE-20Faces.otf FE-Banner.otf FE-BlackBox.otf FE-BoxFont.otf FE-BoxFontNegative.otf FE-BoxinaBox.otf FE-Caterpillar.otf FE-CheVivaBanana.otf FE-ComixxBalloons.otf FE-Confetti.otf FE-Dominoes.otf FE-FantastiqueCars.otf FE-FingerprintsInside.otf FE-Headlong.otf FE-KrikkelKrakkel.otf FE-Leonardo'smirrorwriting.otf FE-LittleBigMan.otf FE-Maja'sFlowers.otf FE-MissEllen.otf FE-Mo'Money.otf FE-NaturalSigns.otf FE-Planks.otf FE-PolkaYourEyesOut.otf FE-Sam'sDingbatsNo.2.otf FE-SamsDingbatsNo.1.otf FE-SenselessStrokes.otf FE-TattooNo.1.otf FE-TattooNo.2.otf FE-Tribal.otf FE-Ubiquitous.otf FE-WinPets1.otf FE-WinPets2.otf FE-Yolk.otf FECrayonKids-Regular.otf and some older TPF additions (Typophil with Christoph Scheiblhofer) http://www.embedupload.com/?d=4GENIURCOS TPF Abbetor.ttf TPF Box of Bricks 1L.ttf TPF Box of Bricks 1R.ttf TPF Box of Bricks.ttf TPF Claudia Bold.ttf TPF Claudia Outlined.ttf TPF Claudia.ttf TPF Construct.ttf TPF Creol.ttf TPF Display Symbol.ttf TPF Display.ttf TPF Elephant.ttf TPF Franknvogt Outline.ttf TPF Franknvogt.ttf TPF Gaiety Outlined.ttf TPF Gaiety.ttf TPF Grum Mel Russia.ttf TPF Grum Mel.ttf TPF Jaib Bold.ttf TPF Jaib BoldItalic.ttf TPF Jaib Italic.ttf TPF Jaib.ttf TPF Janus.ttf TPF Krikkel Krakkel.ttf TPF Lor.ttf TPF Modular 1.ttf TPF Modular 2.ttf TPF Modular 3.ttf TPF Modular Symbol.ttf TPF Ploxx.ttf TPF Polka Your Eyes Out.ttf TPF Praktika.ttf TPF Quackery.ttf TPF Rubber Ducky.ttf TPF Senseless Strokes.ttf TPF U13.ttf TPF Ubiquitous.ttf TPF Vacuous Negative.ttf TPF Vacuous.ttf TPF Yolk Bold.ttf TPF Yolk Condensed Bold.ttf TPF Yolk Condensed.ttf TPF Yolk Light.ttf TPF Yolk.ttf Link to comment https://www.design.rocks/topic/13945-font-environment-samuel-marcius/#findComment-39096 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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