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Konrad Bednarski

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Polish designer based in Paris, France. My collection of his fonts from Behance, both vector (.ai) and .ttf.

Would welcome conversion to TrueType/OpenType of vector fonts. :-PY




TrueType Fonts: Aequitas family, Believe, Brainwash, DHD Cool, DHD Skinny, Mars, Memories, Pixa family, Warsaw Bold

Vectors: Fatalism, NeoGotik, Sherif 3000, Sleepy Bubbles


Download is overly large (15 MB) as it includes sample pics, and original archives of expanded files (for MAC users).


Bednarski also sells at least one font (Odyssey 2012) on TenDollar Fonts (don't have it).

Edited by warbeagle
include sample previews
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