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Unreleased Google fonts


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Here's a pack of 6 font families that Google commissioned, but didn't release on Google Web Fonts (or released and withdrew).

Two of them, Caladea and Carlito, are packaged with the Google Chrome OS.


Caladea [Huerta Tipografica] fits Cambria metrics and is a reworking of their Google font Cambo into a family

Carlito (Lukasz Dziedzic) fits Calibri metrics and is a reworking of his Google font Lato into a family

Gelasio [sorkin Type] fits Georgia metrics

Inconsesi [Cyreal] is based on the fixed width font Inconsolata

Monacal [Fontstage] is a reworking of their Google Font Felipa into a family and an equivalent of MT Corsiva

Tagoni [Huerta Tipografica] is a reworking of their grid-based sans serif Google font Telex into a family


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Edited by :: Sydney ::
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could someone reup monacal and tagoni? thanks a lot.

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