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Obey series - revision to AbeyAssorty font


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After almost a year of work, I have finally finished the Obey series of dingbat fonts, based on the Obey street art campaign by Shepard Fairey. There are twenty-seven fonts in this collection, including one single glyph font that tiles beautifully at 48 points.


My technical skills have improved tremendously in the past couple of months. Extensive editing was done after importing the glyphs into ScanFont. I can honestly say that these are the most detailed dingbat fonts ever made, by anyone.


You can get the .ttf versions of this series here:




Each font is available with both a lower case and a capitals character set.


Here's one of my favorite glyphs from this series, the J from Obey3D:



Your comments would be very much appreciated.





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Bob -


Let me be the first to congratulate you. That is a tremendous amount of effort and work. I can only imagine how proud you are. I just want you to know all of us at Pilo appreciate you sharing this here. We are quite honored.

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Nice work Bito :YYY (I know you hate smilies but I think this one suits you right now)

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I usually just click the "Thanks" button, but for this, I have to thank you personally. I really appreciate the fact in what you have put the time and effort to do. It means a great deal to me to see something beautiful like this shared. It's acts like these in my opinion that not only make pilo a wonderful place to hang out virtually and be a proud member of, but also, it's kind acts as these that a great group is built upon. Thanks again and congratulations on a fantastic set!

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Guest Absurdwordpreferred

Awesome work Bob...... I am a dingbat junkie..... you don't see quality stuff around like this very often.

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Thank you all for your kind words in the main thread. I made a minor change to the ObeyAssorty font, and the new version is available here:




I had forgotten to delete the guide pixels that define the top of the R glyph, (Joey Ramone). That's the only change.


Sorry, I couldn't find a way to edit the typo in the thread title.




December 20:


I made small revisions to the D glyph in the ObeyWrappers font. right side of the mustache was made symetrical with the left, and the middle of the nose was widened slightly. This new version is available here:




And thanks to frieda calor for the pix.





Edited by bobistheowl
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Congratulations for your tremendous work Bob! And thank you for sharing it here!

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Guest frieda calor

bobistheowl -

I thought you might appreciate these. This is Shepard Fairey's studio in Echo Park, California. It's on Sunset Boulevard near Dodger Stadium. My wife took these:







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I would like to mention that Luc Devroye has now posted this series on my homepage,





Also of note is that the original monochrome bitmap source graphics for this series, (approximately 650 different images), are also available, all together in a .zip, or à la carte in an 'Index of' folder.


There are some minor differences between the fonts made available from the links earlier in this thread, and the ones in the .zip on my homepage:


1) For all of the fonts with capitals character sets, the word Caps has been appended to the internal file names, so it is possible to have a lower case and capitals version installed at the same time.


2) In the caps versions of ObeyPears and ObeyWrappers, a duplicate glyph that appears in the lower case range has been removed.


3) Open type versions of about fifteen of the fonts are available, in lower case and caps. In my opinion, most of the .otfs don't look very good, (in Notepad, MS Word, or Font Preview), but they may fare better in other apps. I don't know much about the differences between True Type and Open Type, but if I was able to generate .otf versions, I did.


4) There are no changes to the versions in lower case, other than the revised ObeyAssorty and ObeyWrappers, as set out earlier in this thread.


For 'purists', any of the fonts available in this thread, other than the ObeyAssorty and ObeyWrappers in the 151209.rar, should be considered 'originals'.





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Guest frieda calor

bobistheowl - I am both offensive and defensive so I hope you don't take this the wrong way but, do you like the photos or not? I posted them for you.



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frieda calor, I acknowledged and thanked you for posting the pics for me at the bottom of post 7 in this thread, in which I informed The Community of minor changes to the ObeyAssorty and ObeyWrappers fonts.


There is a December 20 addition to the original Dec 16 post. I thought it best to put both revisions in the same post, rather than bump the thread up, which I know is frowned upon here. You posted the pics for me in post 8, so if the thread is read in sequence, I thanked you for them before you put them up.


The notice about the source graphics being available, and the changes to the internal file names for the caps versions, was enough new information to warrant a separate new posting. All Obey series fonts are now in their final form, so I won't have anything new to say here, unless it's in response to other people's comments.



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