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Typewriter font suggestion


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Can anyone spot some light for me on some great typewriter's style font (whose name doesn't contain "typewriter")?

I am pretty sure I have got some, somewhere, but can't find anything worthy with "typew" in its name.



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2 hours ago, RaelIAK said:

but can't find anything worthy with "typew" in its name.

Try that, it might help You remember... or obtain... : )

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ok, you're right pxl: my request was too vague.

I was looking for some suggestion on some typewriters-like fonts for a small postcard I have to design.

Took a look at my collection (looking for "typewr*" names) with no satisfaction.

So I was looking for some helping hand here at design.rocks.

Torquemada's hit was useful and interesting. A Documan's really really super nice.


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RaelIAK here you have some suggestions, hope it can help. Cheers.
A2-type – Outsiders, Typewriter
Primetype – RolettaSans, RolettaSlab
FontFont – AttributeMono, Magda, NexusTypewriter, QuaadratSansMono, Suhmo
FontBureau – DispatchMono; Pennsylvania
Klim – FoundersGroteskMono, Pitch, PitchSans
Underware – SaunaMono, ZeitungMono

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