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Looking for a font which acts as Morpha


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I am looking for a font which, as Glen Jan's Morpha, has different widhts of letters.

I am pretty sure I've been already able to download something like that, here on design.rocks, but my collection's wider than my memory, and I can't get a single name.



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Would something like Flexible or Organetto or Extenda work? None of them actually incorporate different widths of letters but it looks like all have been designed specifically so you can mix weights and widths.

I guess the advantage of something like Morpha is that the mixing is 'automatic' (i.e. it's built in to the typeface) – much, much quicker even if if it gives you less control.

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i would like to share my experience of working under this "pressure".  Would never expect that beauty effect of balance between random letters could just happen - it would not. Within a  font - no. 250000 ligaturres? Why not using different width within a family? especially nowdays when it could consist of 250 styles  or more? sketch uo!  and then just use these fonts. Thats how u can control the result rather then just a be a user. Love  / Peace / Love 



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you're perfectly right, pxl. Yet I probably badly explained myself (english not being my mother language)... I am looking for differently stretched letters that maintain the same width, like Morpha...

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Ano Wide by Alias, Anisette by Typofonderie/PorchezTypofonderie/ZeCraft/FontBureau or Francis Gradient by Typotheque/Typonine are good alternatives, at least for me 🙂


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Stretch Pro looks perfect!!!

grazie, nessuno

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